Method Runs as User? Allows per-site php configuration?1 Requires wrapper script?2 Notes
mod_php No apache No  
mod_cgi + php-cgi No php.ini No  
mod_fcgi + php-fcgi No php-fcgi.ini No  
mpm-itk + mod_php Yes apache No  
mpm-peruser + mod_php Yes apache No Requires modification of main apache configuration file to add a new site3
mod_cgi + suexec + wrapper + php-cgi Yes php.ini Yes  
mod_fcgi + suexec + wrapper + php-fcgi Yes php-fcgi.ini Yes  
mod_suphp + suphp + php-cgi Yes php.ini No  

Allows the use of php_value etc to configure parameters per-site.
In this column, the values have the following meaning: 2
Suexec requires a wrapper script either per-user, or inside each sites' DocumentRoot. Yes is considered a bad thing here, since you can't just add your sites' configuration and be done with it. You have to create (copy) a wrapper script, with the possible chance of accidental deletion.

This assumes you have your apache properly set up, ie with one (or more) main configuration file(s) containing the main apache configuration, and each vhost in a seperate configuration file (or more then one vhost per configuration file). This (modification of main apache configuration file(s)) is considered a bad thing, since you can't just add your sites' configuration and be done with it.

Further performance tuning